Sunday, March 29, 2009


Epic friends,

I felt led to post.

I am incredibly struck this week on how many of us are waiting on an answer from God. Our situations are different, our questions are different, yet most of us are waiting on God to speak to us.

Saw the movie 'Knowing' today. Disturbed me. Granted this movie is based on a fictional story with some biblical references thrown in. It talks about the end of it in the day of pentecost. If one is a believer, then you believe there is a day when the end of life as we know it on earth will end and we will go to the life eternal. So in that sense, we are already waiting on the end that leads us to the beginning of new life. So essentially, not only are we waiting on life answers, but waiting on new life.

I haven't blogged in awhile. Actually, this blog is for Barbara C. who mentioned the other day that I blog and she doesn't. I am blogging here before I even touch my own blog. How funny that when life throws me a desert situation (referring to God putting the children of Israel in the desert until their answer from Him came) that I shut down, isolate and dont communicate well other than to say I am fine. That is my standard answer for everything. I am fine. I think it is a human one, too. We are DYING inside over something yet to the world at large we are just fine. I am encouraged by those of us who actually say I am not fine, this is what is wrong.

Back to waiting. We are all waiting. But my friends, after watching this movie today, we can KNOW THAT WE KNOW that we wait in hope. Jesus=Hope. It is what spoke to me through the fictional 2 hr movie. God is our hope. In Him and Him alone we have hope and a future. We need to SHARE our hope as we wait on our answers because we are not promised tomorrow. I can think of 10 friends I will be communicating with this week because I want to share my hope with them, as in NOW.

The answer I hear today is not that my life is set with money and a great job. My answer is get out and tell my friends and family about a hope that can never fade or be taken away. Read Psalm 40 this week. We can sing a new song.


And this is for those of us waiting on an answer to a desert situation...this song speaks to me, hope it does to you, also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara, thank you for the post. I am with you in waiting. I think it is safe to say, everyone in EPIC is waiting on God. It's not fair to compare the profoundness of each persons experience, because the wait impacts each of us equally dramatically.
For me, it is a certain predictable circumstance that sends me in a tailspin and the wait comes to the forefront of my mind. I am trashed emotionally for a few days and the wait begins again.
I am comforted knowing that the 3 men about to be thrown in the fire said something like, 'I don't know if my God will save me, but I do know He can'.
BUT WAIT! Who's the 4th man in the fire? :)