Monday, November 10, 2008

Chandler's Morocco Blessing

Hey EPIC family, it's good to be back in San Antonio. The Morocco team and I landed safely and on time (actually 15 minutes early) last Wednesday night and ever since all of us, probably, have been re-adjusting and getting over jet lag. What an awesome time God showed us. We had many many opportunities to exhibit grace and love to the people of the village where we worked on a project to help finish the construction of a restroom facility. The kindness of the people there was overwhelming as they shared not only their work site, the work itself, but also their hospitality was over-the-top as well. We were well taken care of.

Our hosts were outstanding in helping us understand the culture, and the language there (they are fluent in Arabic and they also dabble in French too). For me personally - my first global GO opportunity was really an amazing success. I felt like I truly exhibited what I had hoped for - a surrended heart and attitude, thanks to God, because I cannot remember any instances where I was impatient, overly frustrated, or mad (this would be a first for me on a trip of any kind ). God was in charge and I believe that I totally let him lead.

I've included a couple of pics for you - one is a dinner shot at our hotel; and the other is a picture of the actual restroom facility we worked on.

I would like to let you all in, just a little, to my world of keeping a journal. I tried to write something each day about how God was at work. Here's a few excerpts:

Wednesday, 10/29/08 - "What a blessed day of serving for God...serving the people of the village in helping to build restrooms. I wasn't as useful as I had wanted to be but God used me anyways. I was doing all kinds of things from toting support beams or rocks to making mud bricks - and it was all good. There were many touching moments for me today - playing ball with the school kids (not my usual cup of tea), being served by the guys, eating from a tangine bowl that was spread out on a pallet and sharing the eight spoons, sipping tea with the guys, and talking about life, peace, and unity with a young male school teacher. And to cap it all off, the great time sitting at host's sipping tea and rehashing the day's activities and highlights. It was beyond ALL GOOD, it was AMAZING". Amen!

Friday, 10/31/08 - "I don't know what perception they (the villagers) have of us Americans but so far we've been received very well. I'm sure that as we work side by side with them on the project they're probably making fun of us in some way, but that's OK, we're here to help with the project, show them we've got no problem with hard work and getting our hands dirty, and we're here to share our love with them. What an awesome opportunity for us work with these guys who have very little in tools and supplies but very much in heart and ingenuity".

Saturday, 11/1/08 - "Seeing how the hosts exist and operate here in Morocco has been amazing. They truly have listened to God's leading. It's incredible to think that they have overcome many obstacles to be here doing God's work in a very different culture, one that can be dangerous to Christian believers. God please continue to bless our hosts ministry and business. And Lord, please bless their awesome family too. Thank you. Amen.

Wednesday, 11/5/08 - "Heading homeward to the ATL (Atlanta Airport) from Madrid Spain on Delta. It feels good to be heading home Lord. What an awesome experience it has been traveling with several people I didn't know very well before this trip. Now, after spending 10 to 11 days with them under sometimes trying circumstances I feel like I know them and I appreciate so much better what each brings to the table".

Thanks y'all for letting me share this with you. See you this week (11/13/08) at the same time and place (our house). If anyone would like to volunteer for providing the dinner goods please let me know at your earliest convenience. Talk to you soon.


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