Monday, October 20, 2008

Grace for the moment

This is the name of one of the books that was nipping at my ankle this morning. It is a book of thoughts for each day of the year. Todays thought is called "choice". (to choose life is to love the Lord your God, obey him, and stay close to Him, Dueteronomy 30:20. God is funny, I've been thinking about how to use my time wisely. That means choosing what to read, what to do during my "vacation time". I have chosen to read more of the Bible and Christian books. From last night and this morning, God has literally given me 4 books to read. 1st is "The Power of a Praying Husband". 2nd is "Grace for The Moment". 3rd is "A Heart like His". 4th is a book that Im going to keep in my back pocket, "Promises for Spiritual Battle". The last one is Felicia's that was given to her to take to Argentina mission trip. So I'm taken it on my trip of every day battles. So please pray for me a little or a lot and grace be with you. I will have a daily thought to share with you. OH AND BLOG FATHER, THANK YOU FOR SPENDING TIME WITH ME TODAY.
Federico Aka Rico in Christ

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